Publicerad 6 november 2023

The steps in the process - Receivers

This section describes the Solution Quality Assurance Processes (QAP) intended for receivers.

The process begins when a Receiver applies to start

The first action for the Receiver is to use predefined test files, provided by SFTI, as input to test the receiving functionality. After reading the test files, the Receiver’s business system can be instructed to generate some kind of extract, display or visualisation of the file content for manual inspection by SFTI. For example, the extract can be screenshots of the user interface where the document is presented in the receiving system.

SFTI inspects the results based on professional judgement and gives feedback. When no more corrections are necessary, SFTI will approve the solution, product or service and it will be listed in the SFTI List of Quality Assured solutions. See the following subsections for further details.

The following diagram illustrates the QAP for Receivers

Step: Identify Quality Items (preparatory step by SFTI)

Test files will be provided by SFTI for each type of business document that can be tested in the QAP. The test files are designed to cover a wide range of situations that may appear in production environments (example: crediting with Credit Note but also with negative invoice).

The test files will be drawn up to satisfy all identified Quality Items identified, i.e. they are intended to satisfy all relevant automatic and manual checks. No intentionally incorrect or ill-designed test files will be provided, nor will customised test files be accommodated for.

As experience grows test files may be added, or changed, to address specific issues. In case these files affect Quality Items, they may also have implications on the products, solutions, or services that are published in the SFTI List of quality assured solutions based on earlier versions of Quality Item requirements. SFTI intends to notify the product owners when new test file packages are published so that they can assess if a new quality assurance process should be initiated for their respective products.

Step: Provide File(s) (preparatory step by SFTI)

SFTI publishes the sets of test files on the web for download. Each set of test files are to be used as input when testing a particular electronic transaction format with regard to the receiving functionality of a solution, product or service.


Step 1: Apply for Quality Assurance (responsible: the Receiver)

The QAP starts when a Receiver registers an account in SFTI verification service (, registers the product information in the verification service and applies for the relevant verification.

Note – If the Receiver has not used the SFTI verification service before, the Receiver will need to register an account in the service before it can be accessed.

Resource for registration: See instructions here

Step 2 : Download File(s) (responsible: the Receiver)

The Receiver identifies the relevant set of test files on GitHub and downloads them (one set of test files will be available for each type of business document that may apply to the QAP).

Step 3: Use File(s) (responsible: the Receiver)

The set of test-files are used as input to the receivers solution, product or service. Depending on the test environment of the ERP system, the test files may require certain adjustments so that they do not unnecessarily trigger operational errors: examples may be to use identifiers of parties already registered in the system, references to existing documents, or valid dates. Any changes to the test files should be documented in the SFTI Manual Inspection Check List (or some other attachment).

The Receiver is to make a best effort to verify that the input files are properly represented in the solution, product or service, without loss or distortion of data. Specifically, check

  • That the sufficient details of any calculations are shown, so that results can be verified from the visualised data
  • That obligatory information according to bookkeeping, VAT and Company Acts are present/visualised
  • That the ERP system does not introduce headings/field names that may distort understanding of the test data when visualised.

The use of the test-file(s) results in some form of internal representation from which a visualisation (such as a screenshot) or some other output (e.g. extraction of data) that can be obtained for manual inspection by SFTI. In case all data in the test files are not present in the material forwarded to SFTI a general statement should be made regarding measures that can or will be taken to avoid loss of information when moving into an operational environment (note – there is no need to present a list of information elements covered/not covered).

Step 4: Apply for manual Inspection (responsible: the Receiver)

The QAP continues when the Receiver sends an message to SFTI with an application to conduct a manual inspection based on the Receiver’s output from the previous process step.The output is to be attached to the message, together with the SFTI Manual Inspection Check List with the ”For Receivers” worksheet filled in.

Await response from SFTI.

Resource: Contact SFTI:s technical experts

Step 5: Manual Inspection of Results (responsible: SFTI)

In this step SFTI performs a manual inspection of the Receiver’s output. The inspection is conducted based on professional judgement.

The results of the manual inspection are returned in the form of a Test Report with comments and a final result of either PASS, MOTIVATE or FAIL:

  • PASS: with no comments or informational comments
  • MOTIVATE: The output has failed to fulfil one or more quality items. The issuer is given an opportunity to address the shortcomings and to reapply for manual inspection, together with motivations why the shortcomings should be accepted or that the shortcomings have been addressed.
  • FAIL: The output has seriously failed to fulfil one or more quality items. The process must be restarted, after addressing the problem(s), using the set of test file(s) to create new results that show the identified shortcomings have been overcome.

Step 6: Approval and Attestation (responsible: SFTI)

In this step a decision is made by SFTI as to whether or not the actual set of test file(s) have reliably demonstrated that the solution, product or service fulfils the specified quality criteria.

  • An approval results in the addition of the solution, product or service to the SFTI List.
  • A rejection is communicated back to the Issuer together with the reasons for the rejection. The process can be restarted after necessary changes have been made.

Step 7: Publication of SFTI List of quality assured solutions (responsible: SFTI)

The SFTI List is publically available on the Internet and is updated on a continual basis.

Resource:List of quality assured solutions

Note that the Receiver must register all information about the product necessary to complete the publication before the publication.

Step 8: Use of SFTI List

The SFTI List is available on the web for anyone searching for solutions, products or services supporting SFTI’s recommended electronic formats for receiving of business documents.

The Receiver can refer to the approval of the solution, product or service in the SFTI List in communications with customers and other interested parties.

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